Schipper's Egg Farm

Filter Press Installation


Schipper’s Egg Farm is located in Holland, Michigan. For years they have been outsourcing their wastewater to the Holland Board of Public Works for purification, resulting in water-treatment surcharges for BOD/COD processing.

Project Details

Client: Schipper’s Eggs
Location: Schipper’s Egg Farm
Product: Filter Press


Ready to take the process fees into their own hands, Schipper’s Egg Farm enlisted Interface h2o for help. Interface h2o analyzed the situation and partnered with MWwatermark for the best treatment process: the filter press. Interface h2o had an 800 cubic feet filter press installed in a matter of months, and now Schipper’s Egg Farm begins the process of on-site treatment.


After paying high surcharges for years, Schipper’s Egg Farm is in compliance with the City of Holland’s waste management plan. Now, there is less pressure on the municipal treatment system and Schippers Egg Farm doesn’t have to pay surcharges.

Ready to Get Started?

Give us a call at +1 (616) 931-5584 or send us an email to request more information.